Privacy Policy |
Ensuring that our customers and suppliers are aware of the rules and principles regarding the protection and processing of personal data is important to L10N, who makes every effort to guarantee the security of this data, always in accordance with applicable legislation, namely the Personal Data Protection Act. L10N follows the best technical and organizational practices to protect the personal data of customers and suppliers against loss, involuntary or unlawful deletion, improper modification, failures in integrity and unauthorized access or disclosure. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to help customers and suppliers understand how L10N collects, processes and protects the personal information transmitted by visitors to L10N’s website. L10N recommends that you read this Privacy Policy carefully. When you access our website, the provision of your personal data implies knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. As such, by furnishing your personal data, you are authorizing their collection and use according to the rules laid out in this document. PRIVACY AND PERSONAL DATA“Personal data” means any information, regardless of its nature or format, including sound and image, related to an identified or identifiable person (data owner). A person who can be identified directly or indirectly, namely by reference to an identification number or other specific aspects of his or her physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity, is considered “identifiable”. To provide its services, L10N gathers information on its customers and suppliers in a database in order to identify them (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, services, etc.). COLLECTING OF PERSONAL DATAL10N collects data by telephone, in writing and through its website, with the customer’s consent. As a rule, personal data is collected when a customer purchases one of our services. Some personal data is mandatory, meaning that L10N cannot provide the service in question if this data is missing or incomplete. Personal data is processed by computer, in strict compliance with legislation on personal data protection, then stored in specific databases created by L10N for this purpose. Under no circumstances will this data be used for purposes beyond those for which the data owner has given consent. PURPOSE OF COLLECTING PERSONAL DATAL10N uses personal data to identify customers, bill for services, conduct satisfaction surveys, comply with its legal obligations and, when authorized by the customer, to send information on the translation industry via email. RETENTION OF PERSONAL DATAThe time period for storing and retaining data varies according to the purpose of its processing. Legal requirements exist for retaining data for a minimum period of time. In the absence of a specific legal requirement, data will be stored and retained only for the time period needed for the purposes of its collection or processing, or for the period of time authorized by the Portuguese Data Protection Authority, after which it will be deleted. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COLLECTING AND PROCESSING PERSONAL DATAResponsibility of L10N L10N is responsible for collecting and processing personal data. To ensure the protection of its customers’ and suppliers’ personal data, L10N regulates access to certain services with the entry of a password or username, thereby strengthening control and security. The passwords and usernames provided by L10N to customers and suppliers are personal and non-transferable. Customers and suppliers are responsible for ensuring their confidentiality, and ensuring that they are not used by third parties. Data circulating on the Internet is never fully protected against breaches. As such, customers and suppliers are exclusively responsible for the communication and use of passwords, usernames and all other sensitive information. Responsibility for Data Communicated to Third Parties L10N, within the scope of its business, may outsource certain services to third parties. Sometimes, the provision of these services will require third parties to access the personal data of L10N’s customers. In this case, L10N takes the necessary precautions to ensure that any third parties accessing this data offer the highest guarantees in protection, as duly stated in contractual agreements signed between L10N and these third parties. Third parties subcontracted by L10N are obliged, under their contractual agreement with L10N, to implement appropriate measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, modification, unauthorized access or disclosure and any other form of illicit processing. In any case, L10N remains liable for the personal data disclosed. Beyond this, L10N will only transmit its customers’ and suppliers’ personal data to third parties when required by law, and only to the extent needed to fulfil its obligations. Third-party Websites At L10N’s website, you will find links to other websites, products and services of third parties with no connection to L10N or not subject to this Privacy Policy. The collection or processing of any personal data requested by these third parties is their exclusive responsibility; L10N cannot be held liable, under any circumstances, for the content, accuracy, authenticity or legitimacy of these websites, or for any misuse of data collected or processed through them. As such, the provision of links to other websites shall entail no assumption of liability with regard to these websites, to which this Privacy Policy does not apply. For this reason, we advise you to read the privacy policies of all of the websites you visit. ACCESSING, CORRECTING AND DELETING PERSONAL DATAUnder applicable legislation, customers and suppliers, in the capacity of data owners, are guaranteed the right to access, correct and delete their personal data. To do so, customers and suppliers can send a request via post to L10N STUDIO, Unip. Lda. Rua Carlos Testa, 1, 4C – 1050-046 Lisboa, or email AUTHORIZATION OR DENIALL10N will not process customers’ and suppliers’ personal data until they have authorized this processing. Customers and suppliers also have the right to deny use, and request deletion of, any personal data provided for marketing purposes, for sending informative announcements or included in information lists or services. COOKIESL10N receives and records some information from the browsers of users visiting L10N’s website. This information is collected based on the use of cookies. Cookies are text files sent by websites visited by the user, which are stored in your computer. Note that you can deactivate cookies through your browser, both for this website and for all of the websites you visit. SECURITY MEASURES FOR PROTECTING PERSONAL DATASafeguarding the personal data of customers and suppliers is important to L10N. L10N is committed to protecting the security of all personal data provided, and has created and implemented several security measures to protect personal data against dissemination, loss, improper use, modification, unauthorized access or handling and any other form of illicit processing. Along these lines, L10N uses different security tools and procedures, and follows best practices in information security for the systems which support the services it provides and which save and process customers’ and suppliers’ personal data. Whenever it needs to communicate its customers’ and suppliers’ personal data to third parties, L10N will be responsible for the personal data it must transmit, and guarantees that (i) any sharing of personal information will comply with laws in force, (ii) data will be transmitted securely, for example by using encryption protocols, and (iii) third parties will be contractually obliged to comply with confidentiality and secrecy obligations, to ensure the security of personal data communicated to them for this purpose, to refrain from using this data for any other purposes (for their own benefit or for the benefit of third parties), and to refrain from correlating them with other data in their possession. Despite the security measures used by L10N, we advise anyone browsing on the Internet to take additional protective measures and verify the authenticity of the websites they visit. CHANGES TO PRIVACY POLICYL10N reserves the right to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, which will be duly published at the company’s website. |
Translation solutions